November Meeting...

Paul Mackinney
Fri, 10 Oct 2003 06:32:52 -0700

Since I trust in the days of the week and pay no attention to the
calendar, I showed up on Wed, found no one. No BAD sign, no group of
more than two people talking, no one with a notebook that wasn't running
MacOS or Windows. Wandered around downtown, wound up at Starbucks. While
watching a chess game, someone approached me & asked if I was there for
the wifi meeting. Played chess, lost. 

Was there a meeting on Thursday? Anyone want to post about it?

My unsolicited 2 cents on wifi: Why is wifi is important for a meeting?
Personally I'd rather spend the time socializing than computing. 

(This opinion likely to change dramatically as soon as I acquire a
wifi-enabled notebook :-)

See you December,

Paul Mackinney