Log File Query

Nick Moffitt nick@zork.net
Sat, 28 Jun 2003 00:24:11 -0700

begin  Grant Bowman  quotation:
> > correct.  dmesg will log kernel messages from startup but if one
> > of the daemons failed for some reason there may be no evidence.
> That always bugged me (pun intended).  Can't a simple enscript or
> tee be used to capture this stuff?  I am sure it's more complicated
> than that, but why?

	Because the only software running when these messages are
written is, by necessity, the kernel.  No shells, no init, no daemons,
no user-space ANYTHING.  It's the initial boot sequence, and it's all
the stuff that's required to even FIND the "tee" or "enscript"

