BAD KSP (was Re: list still alive?)

Rick Moen
Sun, 3 Jun 2001 13:33:04 -0700

begin  Evan Prodromou quotation:

> There's a North Beach Pizza on University in Berkeley, about 5-6
> blocks from BART. Maybe that'd be a good alternative? The pizza is not
> Zachary's, but it is very fine indeed.

How about one of the many eateries on Northside, along Euclid, just
north of Hearst?  Not only is it much less crowded and with faster
service, with lots of choices including Mexican and Korean BBQ joints,
but there's also a perfectly decent pizza-and-beer joint (La Val's,, with a nice outdoor
dining patio shared with other restaurants.

Downside:  People arriving on BART would have to walk about 1 km or take
one of the University shuttle-buses.  Walking's good for you lot.

Cheers,                      I have a mind like a steel trap.
Rick Moen                    Rusty, and illegal in thirty-seven states.