debian business wiki

Jim Franklin
Mon, 26 Jul 1999 09:07:07 -0700

Alan DuBoff wrote:

> What you have to understand is that any business is going to be looking to
> Linux for a server solution, it's not nearly as flexible for the average
> business for a desktop solution. Don't read this wrong, I use it for a desktop
> and it works wonderfully for me, but the average person is not capable of
> maintaining a Linux desktop machine. Linux still needs a couple more years to
> be a good desktop solution for the average user, IMO.
> --
> Alan DuBoff
> Software Orchestration, Inc.
Hi Alan
  Excellent critique.
  By 1-100 people I meant total people (owner(s)&employee(s)).  The
business environment need not implement 1-100 computers just 1-100
people.  As in a manufacturing environment, say.
  The wiki itself is meant to be an exploration of the strengths and
weakness of debian in relation to different types of businesses and what
those business require ( more than one thread is acceptable, there being
more than one type of business ).  Once the information is gathered, if
it seems of value perhaps a paper can be written and distributed in the
debian community.  What the developers did with the information would
not be our concern the service would be in offering the information.
  How would you critique debian GNU/linux as a "server solution".  Jump
in the water's not that cold!
