Debian Attitudes

Jonathan Jefferies
Wed, 07 Jul 1999 14:03:42 -0700

Rick Moen wrote:
> See .sig
> --
> Cheers,                             Why, yes, _of course_ I'm an elitist.
I assume this is what Rick was refering to ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

> Rick Moen                          Isn't everyone?
> rick (at)

Isn't that up there with Marie Antoinette's "Let them eat cake",
and then they lopped off her head?  (people are still quibling
about whether she actually said that.  can't say it really matters
after the guillotine has done its work).

That's my take on elitists, i.e. that they invariably disparage
everyone else as peasants and then are so suprised when the
peasants rise up and throw them down.  Not really conducive to
meaninful dialog or advancing ideas.
